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[资讯] Privacy Policy

admin 发表于 2019-7-25 10:49:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
JIAOYI is provided to you free of charge, "as is". JIAOYI uses its best efforts to maintain JIAOYI, but is not responsible for the results of any defects that may be found to exist in JIAOYI, or any lost profits or other consequential damages that may result from such defects. You should not assume that JIAOYI is error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose that you have in mind when using it.
All information and files that you obtain from JIAOYI are provided "as is". In no event will JIAOYI be liable for your inability to access the information or for any damage you suffer, including, but not limited to, destruction of data or damage to your equipment, whether such damage is direct, incidental or consequential, and whether caused by mistake, omission, interruption, deletion of files or messages, errors, defects, delays in operation or transmission, failure of equipment or performance, negligence or otherwise. You agrees to indemnify and hold JIAOYI harmless against any and all claims or liabilities arising out of use of any information provided on the service by you or by anyone directly or indirectly obtaining such information through you.
The services provided on JIAOYI are available to everyone regardless of race, creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual preference or handicap. We expect the users of JIAOYI to be consistent with this policy, and to keep this policy in mind when submitting URL to JIAOYI.
The views and opinions expressed on the personal home pages , forum or the related pages are of the owner alone, and are not endorsed by JIAOYI, nor is JIAOYI responsible for them. JIAOYI does not normally censor any submission, but asks that each user use discretion and respect for other users, and does not contribute any word that promotes discrimination of any type.
JIAOYI reserve the right to withhold and/or remove any link that might possibly hold an individual, entity or group ridicule, potential embarrassment or potential defamation. JIAOYI also reserves the right to accept, edit and/or remove any link that is deemed inappropriate in any way.
All parties submitting materials to JIAOYI represent and warrant that the submission, installation, copying, distribution, and use of such materials in connection with the Pages will not violate any other party's proprietary rights.
At no time can any of the information found on JIAOYI be re-loaded on any other Internet site, bulletin board or other on-line service either in whole or in part, or re-distributed in any other way, without the written permission of JIAOYI.
By submitting your URL to JIAOYI, you acknowledge that you have read this disclaimer and agree to what is stated within. If you disagree with this disclaimer, then you must contact JIAOYI or send a message to admin@jiaoyi.my asking for the remove of your link.
JIAOYI freely grants permission to anyone wishing to link to JIAOYI; JIAOYI will gladly remove any link from this home page upon request from the linked entity.
Privacy Policy
Your right to privacy is very important. We recognise that when you choose to provide us with information about yourself, you trust us to act in a responsible manner.
We believe this information should only be used to help us provide you with better service. That's why we have put a policy in place to protect your personal information.
Below is a summary of our policy.
What personal information do we collect?
In general, when you visit our websites and access information you remain anonymous. Before we ask you for information, we will explain how this information will be used. We will not provide any of your personal information to other companies or individuals without your permission.
Some of our sites require registration to access, although typically all that's requested is an e-mail address and some basic information about you.
There are occasions where we will ask for additional information. We do this to be able to better understand your needs and provide you with services that we believe may be valuable to you. Some examples of information our websites collect are name, email, home page address, and personal info. We give you the opportunity to elect not to receive materials from us.
If you sign up for JIAOYI's electronic newsletter or e-mail list, each message will include instructions on how to "unsubscribe" from that list.
3rd Party Disclosure
We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain non-personally identifiable information (e.g., the type of browser and/or operating system you use, time and date, and information relating to the content you are viewing) when you visit our digital properties. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information during your visits to this and other digital properties in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie, a web beacon or other technology to collect this information.
Protecting your privacy
We will take appropriate steps to protect your privacy. Whenever you provide sensitive information (for example, a credit card number to make a purchase), we will take reasonable steps to protect it, such as encrypting your card number. We will also take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information in storage. Credit card numbers are used only for payment processing and are not retained for marketing purposes.
We will not provide any of your personal information to other companies or individuals without your permission.
Our websites provide links to other web sites. Since we do not control those websites, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of these web sites.
Use of cookies
JIAOYI websites may use cookies for various reasons. Cookies enable us to provide you with a better experience by allowing us to understand what areas of the website are of interest to our visitors. These cookies do not track individual information.
JIAOYI also uses cookies when you register for one of our web programs. In this situation, a cookie will store useful information that enables our website to remember you when you return to visit us.
Cookies from JIAOYI websites can only be read by JIAOYI websites. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser, you can still access most of our websites.
JIAOYI content providers, advertisers and partners
However, JIAOYI cannot control the practices of other partners and advertisers. If you have provided personal information to a party or advertiser connected with JIAOYI and have not been informed by JIAOYI as to its purpose, contact them directly by going to their home page and looking for a company profile or information area.
It is important to note that JIAOYI contains many links to sites other than JIAOYI, and that those sites may not follow the same privacy policies as JIAOYI. For instance, if you click an ad or a search result on JIAOYI, this will take you away from JIAOYI and to an entirely different site. This includes links from advertisers, content providers and partners who may use JIAOYI's logo and/or style as part of a co-branding agreement. These sites may send their own cookies to you, and as a result, may collect data and ask for personal information that JIAOYI would not.
Kids and privacy
JIAOYI requests that children under 18 do not submit or post any information to the site without a parent's or guardian's consent. However, we will not request or knowingly collect from a child any information online that can be traced to the child, such as an e-mail address, name, or information about the child's family.
Unless a parent or guardian consents to such use in advance, JIAOYI will not knowingly use information that a child provides to JIAOYI for any marketing, selling or promotional purposes.
Changes to policy
JIAOYI reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying guests of the existence of a revised privacy policy.
Data Deletion Policy
1. Purpose
This document sets out our policy for responding to requests for deletion of data under data protection law. This document explains the rights of the data subject in relation to data deletion and the responsibilities of JIAOYI in responding with such a request.
2. Individual Rights
An individual has the right to erasure, also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’. The principle underpinning this right is to enable an individual to request the deletion or removal of personal data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing.
3. When does the right to erasure apply?
As stipulated in data protection law, individuals have a right to have personal data erased and to prevent processing in specific circumstances:
• Where the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was originally collected/processed;
• When the individual withdraws consent;
• When the individual objects to the processing and there is no other legal ground for the relevant processing activity;
• When the personal data was unlawfully processed;
• Where the personal data has to be erased in order to comply with a legal obligation.
4. What information does JIAOYI retain?
The JIAOYI online system “Interplace” stores data about individuals in order to create a Team Role Report. We store the name, e-mail address, gender, organisation/department (if provided) and subsequent Team Role scores for each individual in order to create a report, which is stored on our secure servers for a period of 90 days. This data is stored and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
If consent is provided, personal data (including the above, plus address, telephone number and notes) may be stored in our CRM system for the purposes of contacting you regarding JIAOYI news, products and promotions.
5. How can data be deleted?
If you have purchased a Team Role Report directly from JIAOYI, JIAOYI acts as data controller. In this case, we will delete the Team Role data (scores) upon request (via email to admin@jiaoyi.my), upon closure of your account, or after three years. If an organization purchases access to the JIAOYI Online Account, JIAOYI acts as the data processor and the customer acts as data controller. In this case, it is the responsibility of the customer, as data controller, to ensure that data is not held longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is intended.
A user of the JIAOYI Online Account, acting on behalf of their organization, can delete data from their Interplace system whenever they wish. This data is deleted from the system immediately and cannot be recovered by any users or JIAOYI employees after this point. Data which has been deleted or otherwise destroyed can not be recovered at any time. Sufficient warning is given to the account administrator before data are permanently deleted.
Data may still remain in the systems back-up files, which will be deleted periodically.
Information may be deleted from our CRM upon request to admin@jiaoyi.my. We undertake to perform the deletion within one month (30 calendar days) and will send you a confirmation once the information has been deleted. Wherever possible, we will aim to complete the request in advance of the deadline.

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